You may not find it easy to achieve your goals and you may not achieve them quickly, but if you really want that goal, it's worth persevering over, so you'll need to develop your self motivation and here is how you can do that.
1. Keep Focused on your Aim
You need to keep in mind your aim. That will help to maintain your self motivation and also make your efforts more efficient as they can be directed towards your aim. Seeing yourself progressing towards your goal will help to
keep you motivated.
2. Get the Balance Right
Your aim is important, but you are much more than that. Keep yourself a rounded, happy person who is good to know and fun to be with, by keeping your goal in perspective with the rest of your life. Even when things go wrong and you hit an obstacle, bear in mind that not everything in your life has gone wrong. That will help your self motivation as you will not be so easily discouraged.
3. Re-assess the Positives
Try writing down one thing you enjoyed doing today; it can be a big thing or a small thing. Next write down something that you like about yourself. That ought to get you to see the bigger picture and give you the self motivation to move forward again. Once you're moving forward again, you'll re-discover your motivation even more.
4. Imagine Yourself as Successful
Visualize yourself as having achieved your aim. How different would your life be? What could you have that you don't have now? That doesn't have to be material things; it can be more time with your family, greater choice of who you work for, being your own boss, being healthier etc: anything so long as you want it.
That's where you regain control of your life and your self motivation again, because miracles don't happen. Only you can achieve your aim. Once your aim is clear again you can see what you need to do to achieve it and you have something you need to do again: that's where your self motivation comes from.
Now put your list aside until tomorrow. Give yourself a break and let your subconscious mind mull over your list, working out what you will do next towards your aim. You've earned the break and you'll be amazed how much more productive you'll be when you come back to work.
5. Put Your Plan into Action
Once you've given yourself a short break you need to put your plan into action again. You've done it before and you can do it again. Find just one thing that you can do today towards achieving your aim and do it. Success at completing a task brings its own rewards and you will regain your self motivation to keep on trying.
So, to sum up, to regain and maintain your self motivation, you need to make sure that you're following the right aim for you and that you're clear about what you want to achieve. Set yourself targets along the way and make them achievable in the short term so that you keep meeting with success. Reward yourself and enjoy it; that will help to maintain your self motivation.