Goal Setting - 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers by Vic Johnson - Book Review

 Goal Setting- 13 Secrets of World Class Achievers 

Synopsis of Content:

The late Jim Rohn always said there are no new fundamental principles of success. Vic Johnson would agree and in this book he presents the timeless success principles you may well have read about before from his own unique perspective.

Johnson admits in this book that there are no secrets of success. He tells you he used that term in the title to get you to read the book, because everyone is looking for secrets to get them ahead. It is only when you stop the futile search for short cuts and secrets and learn the fundamental principles that thousands of successful people have proven and follow them that success happens.

Johnson is well read in this area and brings to bear some of the best success literature as well as real world examples to illustrate the principles he teaches. He believes that what you think and how you think defines who you become and what you achieve. He follows the thinking of James Allen, Napoleon Hill, Jack Canfield and many others. The advantage to reading this book is that it brings together a century of writing on these subjects in one list of principles and applications that have been proven to work.

Johnson organizes these "secrets" under thirteen headings:

Number 1: Big doers are big dreamers.

Number 2: Understanding the beginning of all achievement.

Number 3: What you see is what you get.

Number 4: Learning to believe.

Number 5: Stand on the shoulders of giants.

Number 6: Have a laser-focused approach to managing your time.

Number 7: Act now and keep acting.

Number 8: Champions manage fear and doubt.

Number 9: FIDO is more than a dog's name.

Number 10: Do what others won't do today so you can do what others cannot do tomorrow.

Number 11: Experience the power of a master mind.

Number 12: It's about principles.

Number 13: Seek out world class mentors and coaches.

This book is half instruction on the principles of success and half motivation based on his own life story and the story of others who have learned this material and made it work for them.

The book is written not just as motivation and instruction; it is a workbook with specific exercises you can use to put these principles to work for yourself.


Anyone wanting to continuously improve themselves and learn the principles that have led others to success would benefit from this book. If you have read a lot of success literature you will not find much new here. However it will reinforce what you have already learned and you will benefit from Johnson's perspective. Reading this book could replace reading a dozen other such books because he condenses it all in one approach. If you have not read in this area this book is an excellent introduction.

Readability/Writing Quality:

This book is well written and easy to follow. It is well organized and broken down outline form by headings and subheadings.

Notes on Author:

Vic Johnson is an author and speaker who has built a number of motivational websites.

Three Great Ideas You Can Use:

1. People who have no goals work for those who do. Setting clear and realistic goals and then using them to guide your efforts is a key to success.

2. There are no magical powers at work that make some people successful and others fail. Average people are average because they have average thoughts. Exceptional people are exceptional because they have exceptional thoughts.

3. If you want to change and grow you must do things that are not natural or comfortable for you to do.

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