5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Productivity

1. Get rid of distractions

If you've got work to do, you want to concentrate on that work. Think of things that distract you and get rid of them. Distractions make us focus less and they make tasks take longer. If you get rid of distractions from your work space, you're much more likely to be able to work efficiently. This is because you won't have things breaking your concentration. People work more efficiently when they're 'in the zone'. You're not going to be as productive as possible if you keep being pulled out of 'the zone' by distractions.

2. Give yourself breaks

It's not healthy to work all the time. Everyone needs breaks. If you work flat-out, you're just going to end up burning out. One of the best ways to be productive is to give yourself breaks. Structure your schedule so you can unwind and do other things every now and then. If you have breaks, you have less time to get your work done. This in turn encourages you to use your time more wisely. Give yourself breaks and you'll find yourself becoming more productive and packing more into the time you've got.

3. Create lists

Lists are a great way to boost your productivity. Create lists of what you have to do and get each task marked off as you complete it. If you have a list, you're more likely to become productive because you can see what has to be done and you can see what you've already got done. It's easier to get through a load of work when you can separate tasks into 'done' and 'not yet done'. Make a list and get started on it.

4. Reward yourself

We all like a good reward. It's human nature. A great way to boost your productivity is to motivate yourself with rewards. This is especially good if you've got a large task at hand; if finishing your work is a long way away, regular rewards can help you get the task done more efficiently. Have a reward in mind and you'll work more productively because you'll have something to work for that's relatively close at hand.

5. Set realistic goals

It's good to be productive and it's productive to be realistic. If you set yourself wildly ambitious goals, chances are you're not going to reach those goals. You'll crash and burn, so to speak. You'll have set yourself a task so great that you'll end up disappointing yourself by not getting it done. Set yourself realistic goals and you'll have a lot less pressure on you. With realistic goals, you've got something more tangible to work towards.

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