What happens after these goals are set. Are there plans in place? Are there step-by-step actions in place for one to reach those goals?
The book, "The Secret" was all about the Law Attraction, but failed to mention the "action" needed in order to achieve those visions. That said, there are other factors that lie deeper for one to reach his or her goals. Here are the five steps:
1. Decide what it is you want to achieve
Make the goal and visualize it. What does it look like? What does it feel like to achieve it? Put yourself there and experience it.
Take the goal and chunk it down even smaller. If it's to start a business and leave your job in a year, what would a day look like for you?
How many clients would you need to replace your income in a month?
2. Decide that the goal will happen
This is a mindset thing. I have seen clients say things like, "I would love to leave my job in a year, but...."
Excuses follow.
That one statement will be so powerful in the success or failure of actually reaching the goal. That statement must change to "I will leave my job in 12 months and will do whatever it takes to make it happen."
Just the very way a person looks at what it is they are looking to achieve will be the biggest factor in whether or not that goal is achieved.
3. Identify every thought that's incongruent with the goal and let It go
This is an extension of #2, however, it needs to be expanded on. The original outlook on the goal will determine the direction of the action taken. However, throughout the course of action, there will be other thoughts that may come into play, 'What was I thinking to set this goal?' or 'Who am I to have a successful business from home?'
As questionable or negative thoughts come up, they will strangle the mind of the budding entrepreneur. It's at this point where the thought needs to be let go.
Letting go of limiting beliefs is one of the hardest things a business owner will achieve. When done, however, there will be a freedom to his actions increasing his level of success.
4. Imagine if the goal were to show up in 24 hours, what things would need to be in place to support that achievement?
When one sets a goal to leave a job within 12 months to work full-time in their businesses, what things need to be in place at that point?
Actions and preparations must be in place when working towards the goal so that they are in place when the goal is achieved.
A business owner cannot act on 'Oh, I'll invest in an assistant, medical insurance, a new computer, etc. when I make enough money' because that goal will probably not be reached.
There is an energetic flow that occurs when a business owner removes the "scarcity" mentality from his 'framework,' and decides that investing in a new sales person before the goal is reached will increase his chances of that goal being met.
5. Act as if
Not 'fake it until you make it,' but 'act as if."
As soon as a goal is made, it's up to the budding business owner to act as if he's already achieved it.
This step will support all the rest of the steps. When a business owner is acting as if he's achieved the goal, he will make decisions coming from the place as already having achieved it.
This will give him the 'how' of achieving the goal.
For example, many times, when a business owner sets a goal, he is thinking, 'That's great, but I have no idea how I'll do that.'
That will naturally be taken care of when the business owner acts as if he's already achieved it. He'll have the systems and people in place prior to achieving the goal and the action steps will unfold in the order they should to achieve the ultimate goal.
Success in business is about tactical actions and goal setting, however, more of it is about the mindset of the business owner. As a business owner methodically practices these five steps, he will find that success and critical achievements come faster than expected.