7 Important Ingredients For A Leader To Differentiate Himself
Many people seem confused as to why there is so much apathy and mistrust towards those in positions of leadership, or running for them! Why is there so little trust or faith in politicians, and political leaders? Perhaps, the most relevant reason is that many have the feeling they've heard all the empty promises before, and have become tired of the same-old, same-old rhetoric! Maybe, it's because it has become quite rare, for anyone to differentiate himself, in a positive manner, that those being represented, feel they can believe in, trust, and/or will make a true difference for the better. In either of these circumstances, or for nearly any other reason, anyone who desires being a relevant leader, must consider, and utilize these 7 ingredients, and effectively and positively differentiate himself.
1. Attitude: Like most keys to effective leadership, everything begins with one's actual attitude. This is not merely what someone says with his rhetoric, but the true way he conceives, perceives, considers and behaves, on an ongoing, regular basis.
2. Goals and priorities: You can't proceed aimlessly, or without a clear-cut purpose, and expect to lead! Are you goals meaningful to your stakeholders, and organization? How do you transform them to use on a priority basis, and effectively plan, so they are recognized, and believed in, by others?
3. Absolute integrity; objectivity: You can't pick and choose when you will, and when you won't. Integrity must be absolute, for many reasons, but perhaps the most relevant might be that while it takes a long time to gain the trust of others, it only takes one incident, to lose it! Can you view things objectively, without prejudgment, and prioritize the needs, priorities and concerns of your constituents, in sync with making the group more relevant and sustainable?
4. Vision: Do you maintain or possess a vibrant, vital vision, that moves you forward in a persistent way, and helps you overcome obstacles, with an eye on the mission of the organization? If you don't possess this, why would you be willing to do, all a real leader must do?
5. Articulation; motivation: You can't lead in a vacuum! If you have an important message, articulate it clearly and completely. Why should anyone else get involved, unless you motivate them to do so, by leading the way?
6. Fairness; consider alternatives: Are you open-minded, and willing to consider a variety of options, and opt for the best opportunities? Are you fair to those you represent?
7. Timely action: You're simply not a true leader, if you look to procrastinate, rather than to do! Stand out from others by taking your idea to fruition!
Today, more, perhaps, than ever, we seek leaders who are different in a quality way! What will you do, to differentiate yourself?
How Leaders Make Their Agenda Viable
Although nearly every leadership training program or protocol, emphasizes creating a quality agenda, which addresses needs, priorities, concerns, and relevant issues, which move one's organization forward in a sustainable manner, there has been far too little focus on how do actually achieve one's objectives, in a viable, practical, realistic and doable way. I must confess that when I first began providing these types of programs, more than three decades ago, I was also guilty of glossing over the practical, how-to, perspectives and approaches! However, I soon realized that no leader is prepared solely by thinking philosophically, or even developing the techniques, assets and qualities, needed to become a quality leader. In that regard, and for the purpose of addressing this essential, relevant need, I transformed my discussions from the same-old, same-old philosophies and platitudes, to carefully considering, and being prepared, to make one's agenda truly viable.
1. What is your vision, and does it conform to your organization's mission? What goals will you set to direct you to get things done? Can you get others to adopt your dreams, and make them, their own? No matter how great one's intentions, unless he transforms concepts to actions, and that those actions and programs/plans, truly make a difference for the group and its stakeholders, you won't enhance the sustainability of your organization.
2. Carefully set priorities: Don't become the chicken without its head! Merely being or looking busy, or creating a busy/active program of activities, etc., will not make a group attract the core or base of supporters, that will sustain it, and make it truly relevant! Begin with an objective review, not only of your group, but where it is and where it needs to be, as well as being willing to be objectively introspective (in terms of your motives, intents, assets, weaknesses, and persistence). Then create priorities, so that you know how to allocate your time and other resources (financial, personnel, etc), and clearly articulate to others what you plan, and your reasoning.
3. Develop a strategically based action plan: Many proceed without considering their best course of action, the alternatives, ramifications, and often, the main goals and priorities. Don't merely talk about strategic planning, but review past, present and future needs, and should others your plan of action, that you believe will best achieve your objectives.
4. Create and implement your course of action: Just thinking about how to proceed, or even creating a plan, is not sufficient! One's agenda only becomes viable when you take timely action, persist and persevere, and progress forward in a way that implements your plan!
5. Articulate through one's agenda: The best way to assure your message has the best chance to resonate with others, is to clearly articulate, by showing others the benefits, and needs, and convincing them your way makes a lot of sense. The better and more comprehensive and complete your agenda, the better others will appreciate and believe in it, and thus, you!
6. Proactively proceed: Take charge, and lead the way in a proactive way, rather than merely waiting for it to happen, or for others to do it! If you want your plans to succeed and achieve, you must take charge and do all you can, to generate enthusiasm, while demonstrate the need, and viability.
Don't merely create an agenda or action plan! Rather, do everything synergistically, so as to potentiate your possibilities!
Leading Must Begin With Wanting To HELP!
Just as physicians abide by an oath to do no harm, there can be no effective and meaningful leadership, unless a similar philosophy guides one's performance and vision. While it has been often stated and written about how essential it is for a leader to focus on the needs, concerns and priorities of constituents, true leaders understand they must go several steps further in a positive, well-intentioned direction. In my over three decades of identifying, qualifying, training, developing and consulting to well over a thousand individuals in a variety of actual or potential leadership positions, I dedicate a component of the massive amount of information that it takes to lead effectively, to the realization, that any possibility of leading must focus on, and begin with, improving the lot of those one serves (as well as the organization), and therefore, truly, being of HELP.
1. Head/heart balance; behaving humanely; always being honorable and honest: You can't effectively serve if you proceed either merely emotionally, or completely in an unemotional, logical manner. One's heart helps him empathize and feel more deeply for one's constituents and proceed with a positive attitude, while logic and analysis is needed to create the best agenda, strategy and action plan. One must behave humanely, with consideration for others (and their feelings), and do so in a real, honest and honorable way. You will never be able to help others if you don't lead with absolute integrity!
2. Empathetic; energizing; enriching: How will you ever be able to address the needs, priorities, concerns, etc., of your stakeholders (actual/existing, as well as potential), unless you proceed with consistent empathy. You must see things through the eyes of those you serve, or how will you be able to provide the help they deserve? How a leader articulates and motivates others, goes a long way towards ramping up the energy level, by providing a far more enriching experience, on a consistent basis!
3. Listen effectively; learn; lead the way: Are you seeking to merely manage the group, or will you lead the way with a positive impact? Great leaders take the time and make the effort for effective listening, and truly learning from every experience, conversation and contact. Pay attention to the fact that you have two ears and only one mouth, and spend at least twice as much time listening as speaking. You will learn far more from paying attention and taking the time and effort, to listen, than merely dominating conversations, etc.
4. Priorities-based; positive; planned: Create and craft a quality agenda, which focuses on needs and priorities. Proceed with a can-do, positive attitude, and plan the best way to help others. so that they are better able to appreciate the value and purpose of your organization.
If you don't want to HELP others, avoid becoming a leader! Helping leaders consistently focus on those they serve.
How Leaders MAKE Others More Comfortable
For better or worse, most of us are encapsulated in our own, personal comfort zone, and often restrict our activities to things that fall within these artificially set limits. When referring to a leader, or followers, nearly everyone behaves in this manner. Therefore, smart leaders not only expand their own comfort zone, but seek to do likewise to those they serve, by making others feel as comfortable as possible, not only with their ideas, plans and programs, but even more importantly, with the leader, himself! Understand and appreciate that this is not a one-time activity, but rather a continuous, ongoing process, where every aspect of one's leadership enhances how others feel and see the individual who is leading. Therefore, rather than thinking that you should merely hope others gain this feeling and mindset, the smartest, relevant leader plans and implements ideas in a way that will MAKE constituents and stakeholders, feel more comfortable.
1. What motivates them? What means most to them?: Quality leadership is not merely about being or appearing busy, or producing programs and/or activities. Rather, one must effectively listen, and learn what they are most concerned with, and then proceed to focus on motivating them to get more involved, do more, and become prouder to belong to the organization. When a leader knows and addresses those things that are most important and relevant to them, he enhances their comfort zones, and gets them to automatically expand them.
2. Attitude; never assume; agree to disagree: Make your actual attitude a realistically positive and motivating one. Only when the leader shows personal positivity, can he hope to get others to look to the benefits, as opposed to the concerns. Don't assume you know everything, but listen carefully, without prejudgment or bias, to alternatives, ideas, etc. It is not important to always agree, but rather there must be a willingness to disagree, but do so with respect and friendliness.
3. Know the concern; keep response short and to the point: You can't improve something you don't know about or fully examine/understand. Rather than interrupting, zip the lip, and use your ears instead of your mouth! Avoid the tendency to droll on, because doing so often loses the attention of others. Rather make your answers shorter, relevant and fully responsive.
4. Empathy; how it enriches both them, and the organization: It is the essential duty of a real leader to empathize with the concerns and priorities of stakeholders. Leaders must articulate and explain how their approach and/or idea will enrich both the group as a whole, as well as directly addressing concerns.
If you want to lead, make others feel more comfortable. Often, we under-consider how our words, non-verbal body language, and other related factors, impact constituents perspectives.
7 Ways Leaders Must Earn Respect
How can anyone possibly expect to be an effective and/or meaningful leader, until and unless, they impactfully gain and earn the respect of others, in a genuine way? Those who want to lead, rather than merely serve in some position of leadership, must proceed in a forward-leaning, genuine, focused manner, that clearly and transparently indicates their dedication to absolute integrity. Far too often, many seem to feel that they are owed or due respect, admiration, and/or allegiance, merely because of their position. The reality is that while others might respect the position, that is far different than actually gaining real admiration, and motivating others to listen to their central message, feel for their vision, get further involved, and feel more strongly about the organization! True leaders automatically proceed with an understanding that they must continue to earn respect every day! Here are 7 actions/ways for a real leader to do so.
1. Do your homework: Don't merely proceed with the same-old, same-old, way! You must know more, and understand things better and more fully, than those you serve. How will you be able to communicate effectively, and articulate in a positive, motivating way, until and unless you thoroughly gather relevant information, on a continuous way? This means listening and analyzing information, and making decisions based on the group's best interests, etc., rather than prejudgments, or how it's always been done.
2. Listen effectively: Nothing offends others more than believing you aren't paying attention! Avoid the tendency to prematurely interrupt, and don't merely hear what's being said, but listen effectively, and ask whatever questions might help you better understand other's perspectives.
3. Ask relevant questions: Don't just go through the motions, and just ask something, but be certain that what you ask is relevant and pertinent!
4. Empathize (concerns-centric): How willing are you to see things through the eyes of those you serve/represent? Empathy is far different (and much more important) than sympathy! While one might express sympathy because of some event, etc., it does not create a one-to-one connection! Empathy means you are willing to focus on the needs, concerns and priorities of others, and make their satisfaction, one of your highest priorities!
5. Feel their pain, and address it: President Bill Clinton is often considered one of the most effective communicator of the modern politicians. He was famous for appearing sympathetic, empathetic and truly caring, by his facial expression, and biting his lip, but, if you wish to earn respect, you must transform that appearance, to the creation and implementation of an action plan, to truly address the needs/concern.
6. Develop and implement the best action plan: Begin, continue and review! Don't merely plan, but take relevant, sustainable action!
7. Articulate and motivate: Realize that you need to get others to listen, believe and care, and the only way to do so, is to clearly and transparent articulate how you will address their concerns, and then do something about it! Nothing motivates others as much as observing quality actions, on a continuous and content-rich course!
While Aretha Franklin famously sang about RESPECT, a leader must prove, by his actions and integrity, that he truly earns it! When leaders are respected, they maximize their potential for greatness and sustainability!