15 Incredible Habits of Highly Fulfilled People

 15 Incredible Habits of Highly Fulfilled People

1. Do what you love and what makes you happy.

It makes a huge impact on your daily life to do what you enjoy. As the saying goes "found a job you love and never work a day in your life".

2. Do things you're good at.

Look at what you are good at and stretch your strengths and abilities.

3. Do things that challenge you.

Setting yourself challenges is exciting. It can be scary but so rewarding when you accomplish your goals and makes you want to do more.

4. Do things to help others. Be of service.

It is so important to be of service of others. If you can do something that you didn't get paid for to help others the rest of your life it have struck gold. It's very rewarding to be of service to give back and create more abundance.

5. Do things that fill your sense of purpose.

When you are aligned with your purpose it provides great joy of fulfillment, self worth and appreciation. Meditation is a great way of gaining clarity and asking yourself the question what fills your senses of purpose. See how your body reacts when you think of different activities you enjoy and what you are good at doing.

6. See challenges as opportunities.

Everyone gets challenges in life. People who live their purpose see them as opportunities to test their strength and a sign of what they really need to go for. If it's to be mindful to be positive in a situation, to take action to change your current situations, speaking positive to yourself or others. All these allows you to practice when faced with challenging times and is rewarding when you get through the other end and learn from those opportunities.

7. See life as a game.

By not taking life so seriously and having enjoyment, playfulness and creativity allows ideas, inspirations and outcomes to flow. Instead of limiting belief entering it creates a space to make problem solving and confidence shine to get to the next big stage.

8. Living the life they want is the only option.

It's easy to settle for second best when things don't go the way you hoped but highly fulfilled people commit to making what is their dreams first place. With no plan b if it doesn't work out. Seeing through your dreams to work and you went with what every challenges that came with it to reach your full potential to be your optimum best.

9. Always speak their truth.

Speaking their truth is connecting themselves to their inner voice and their spirituality without fear of judgement. This is reached through by silencing their mind through meditation, listening to music, or writing in a journal. Also having a mentor or coach supporting them with their goals and surrounding themselves with like-minded people who have qualities that shine what they see in themselves or aspire to.

10. Aren't just dreamers: they act on their desires.

It starts with a dream but turning it around and acting on it to become a desire is powerful to have those steps to where you want to go in life. They do this by listening to their inner voice and acting on their intuition.

11. Expect and know that they deserve the best.

Wanting and deserving the best in life is a choice we can all make to have in all areas of our life if it's in our personal or work life. We deserve to want the best what life has to offer; to do what you love, serve others using your gift and to earn well and enjoying life to the full. The high fulfilled people act on is that they expect the best even when they don't always have to answers in front of them on how it will happen.

12. Have no fear or guilt when asking for what they want.

Receiving what we want out of life is very rewarding. Guilt and fear only just sabotage what good we have received. When you are connected to your passions and in service for others, your success is based around depending on others. So for example to ask for a survey is part of getting what your audience wants is part of that process to be successful in what you do.

13. Create their own rules.

Creating their own rules instead of following what others say or do. Listening to your own heart and making your own rules to your life on how you want and not what you think (going with your head) to live it is up to you. It is very powerful as it gives you the freedom and power to design your own destiny.

14. Learnt to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

When we are faced with challenges fear and doubts can step in. However, when challenges are overcome or lessons have been learnt from it by seeing the bigger picture from it, it can be more comfortable to know that what happens is meant to happen and good will come from it. Also what was challenging a year ago can be comfortable now. By stretching our comfort zone we stretch what we are comfortable with and less becomes uncomfortable over time.

15. Have coaches, teachers, mentors and role models.

Having a mentor or coach to guide you in directions where you want is great to get clear on intentions and breakdown the pathway to your goals. It also allows any limitations that come up along the way to be faced in a positive light. Having role models and people in the field that you want to be in is very inspiring to see how people have made it are giving inspiration that if they can do then you can too.

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